Sunday, November 9, 2008

november babies.

the extended chew&tan family ushered in the month of november with the latest addition of baby cadence, otherwise known as baby-cady-my-unofficial-god-niece. one look and i knew she's gonna grow up to be a beautiful girl. =)

little ms inquisitive squirrel

little ms pouty

little ms frowny

little ms sleepyhead

(photos courtesy of her mummy)

that aside, i received my very first birthday card of the year! lo and behold, imagine the pleasant surprise when i opened the envelope and saw this...

who could it be from?

imagine the even greater surprise when i opened the card to see this...

*gasp* check out that smiley

no doubt it was mass signed and pastor mark probably doesn't know who the heck i am since there're about 16,999 others in church, but still, it's a sweet gesture. =)))))

1 comment:

Mike said...

Haha, without sounding too bitter, i didn't recieve anything on my birthday! i'm not one of the 16,999!

At least you got a funky card!