so much to do so little time! it's been a crazy busy two months but fulfilling nonetheless. there are many things i'd like to share but the inertia to start writing during a non-work day is just too strong. i will get down to it someday, but in the meantime, here's sharing a track by villagers from the album becoming a jackal - perfect for a rainy chillout saturday. have a great weekend everyone! =)
"I'm leaving for the great wide open plains
Leaving while this holy spark remains
Leaving while this holy spark remains
I see you've written promises to make me stay
But it really doesn't matter now anyway
I'm leaving
True love feeds on absences like pleasure feeds on pain
So no matter where I'm standing I still love you all the same
And I hope you feel the same way when its your turn to disappear
I'll be cheering from the sidelines with a sandwich and a beer
- set the tigers free by villagers